Sunday, March 10, 2013

Inside My December Mind

Nepal and the pain of its  power spots
Silver and Gold--Sufjan Stevens new Christmas album
Twinkly lights in the dark of morning, the night
Sigur Ros tickets in my inbox
Rookie, giving teenage girls hope
Percolating airstream living dreams...still can't believe we own an airstream, will be living in one part-time next year, in the wilds of America
Still can't believe K only has 7 months of residency left. Thank God.
Hopefully, this is the last Christmas I'll spend alone, K working.
Why didn't I post this when I wrote it...?


Silvia said...

Jenn, I miss you! What is an airstream?

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

hi silvia! it's a kind of trailer. i bet you've seen one before--they're all silver. mine is from 1976 and keith and i are going to fix it up and live in it off and on soon! hope you're good and miss you too!