Wednesday, August 5, 2009

As Jizzy (the artist formerly known as Dizzy)

said to keith yesterday, "you're already thinking about your dismount?" and it's true
can i just let go all the thoughts of apartments and baltimore and work and money?
but the future creeps in
here in my mind
amidst chipmunks and clouds and sitting
in the tent in the temple in the hut
at the picnic table eating a cinnamon raisin bagel
while i check my email...............


Silvia said...

Oh no. Jenn, are you going back to Baltimore, too? Is Keith a gymnast? I'm confused.

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

not a gymnast!!! but ready to make his dismount from lots of retreat and practice back to the real world! and yes, we have to go back to baltimore for at least another 6months for keith to finish med school.......yikes! how are YOU?