Tuesday, April 27, 2010

He Said Not To Be Like A Snail,

How if you touch it's horn,
it shrinks--
not to be so sensitive.

But it's like the way I don't notice until a
droplet of sweat has already formed,
popped through skin.

Like the midday sun beating our heads--and we stalk slabs of shade--
the light throbbing through me.

He said a two pointed needle gets no sewing done,
that it's a problem with my mind.

And in the night, the army of insects advance.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer!

I loved this!!!!! I see it in my life too and I'm going to print it and keep it with me to read throughout the day.

Are you and Keith feeling well? I hope your last week is all that it needs to be for you both.

Miss you and can't wait to see you when you're home!

Love, Ryan

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

ry, that is so sweet! i'm so glad you liked it! see you soon! love j xxoo