Friday, December 10, 2010

Ode to Scandinavian Artists!

Sigur Rós - Við Spilum Endalaust from Sigur Rós on Vimeo.

Lately, it feels like I'm loving all things Scandinavian. And so I thought I'd tell you about some of them. Where to begin?

Well, first there's the music, much of which I've already mentioned, still...There's Sigur Ros, Jonsi, Seabear, Rokkurro,  and Parachutes (although this might not really qualify as two of the bandmembers are American) from Iceland. Taken by Trees from Sweden and Lau Nau from Finland.

Then there's the amazing Swedish author Linda Ollson who wrote Astrid and Veronika and Sonata for Miriam--such lyrical, poetic language.

And then there's the blog of Finnish artist Anna Emilia.

This music and writing and art seem to have seeped into my blood, filling me with a beautiful sense of spaciousness and quiet. Reflecting the white winter world I've found myself in.

Although I'm part Swedish, I never had any interest to really go to Sweden or explore my roots, but these days I've a growing desire to someday do so...


paranoid android said...

I like everythig what is scandinavian too:) It started from writer Majgull Axelsson- I am sure her books are translated into English:)I am delighted with the style of her writing. Her books are imbued with chill - not only "form the weather" but also from souls of heros. And I like scandinavian movies, quite different than american:)
Sigur Ros was in my city last month and I couldn't go :(

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

I need to check out that writer! Also, can you recommend a good Scandinavian movie? The only One I've ever seen is after the wedding (which I loved)!

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

Nice selections. I like visiting Anna Emilia's blog. Astrid and Veronika was a good read. I haven't read Sonata for Miriam. I might have it on my list, not sure. I'll check. Thanks.

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

i highly recommend it!

paranoid android said...

Some movies I saw and I like them very very much:)
Adams æbler
Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself
Open Hearts
Blinkende lygter
101 Reykjavík
Noi Albinoi
Voksne mennesker
Brødre-(Americans did remake - Brothers)
Babette's Feast
Italian for Beginners
Låt den rätte komma in (Americans did remake, but you must see swedish;)))

And all Ingmar Bergman's movies.

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

Thanks so much for all these recommendations! Have a beautiful day!