Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I know I've already posted about my job a few times--and maybe it's getting old. But seriously, I am so grateful for the job I have. I have to be so in the moment and so attentive to my four year old charge that I'm forced to forget all my worries (namely the dreaded Typography class!). And also, I get paid for conversations like this:

Me: I'm going on a diet today.
Ry: Why?
Me: Because I think I'm getting a little too fat. What do you think?
Ry: I like how you look. You look like a hot dog.
Me: Is that a compliment?
Ry: What's a compiment?
Me: Is that good or is that bad?
Ry: It's a compiment. 'Cause you 're skinny like a hot dog.


Silvia said...

I agree, you're a hot dog. Jenn, you don't need to go on a diet!

crazywriter84 said...

I don't know that I would call you a hot dog, but that's so cute.