Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This One Goes Out to My Fellow Retreater-ers

Everyone knows that it might be a few days or it might be a week, but soon enough, despite the prescence of His Holiness, despite the fields and the wildflowers, despite how happy I am to be there, Jenn needs to get away--go to town, go to Walmart--anything. Or you'll have a super sourpuss on your hands.

Likewise, here, as on retreat, I live on the edge of jewel-like fields of flowers, awaken and fall asleep to the sounds of dharma. But...

I also sleep on the hardest bed imagineable (upon K's examination of it today, it appears to be stuffed with some sort of woven grass), my pillow is a tiny camping sort as they seem not to make or sell bed pillows in Pharping. And just as I'm about to fall alseep each night, crazy drunk guy begins his obscenly loud yelling. Oh and don't forget the incessant nightly barking of dogs. At this point I plug my ears until the shouting ends (possibly hours later). Then, when I'm finally asleep, the three year retreatants begin some sort of puja--more plugging of ears. Finally, I sleep until 3, when the 3 yr retreatants again start playing horns and drumming damarus. Back in go the earplugs, and back to sleep until 6AM, when AGAIN with the drumming, and also, now there's an incessant tape of mantras emanating from the temple. Seriously, you all better think of what it would be like to awaken in Amitabha's Pure Realm!

So anyway, sometimes it all gets to be a bit much. But what really sent me into a sourpuss spiral last night was to be given nettles and ground maize for dinner, for there to be maggots in our bar of chocolate (brought up from Kathamndu), and for Keith to be doing a 7 day retreat which involves refusing to walk the dark 10 min. to town with me for some sustenance other than nettles (he's not leaving the grounds all week!)!! All this and you've got one sour Jenn!

Oh, I forgot to add, I have no book to read except The Words of My Perfect Teacher, I've been doing lots of Vajrasattva, and all eyes are always upon me (nuns and Nepali builders constantly staring up through our windows)!

I am surrounded by dharma dharma dharma--in the day, in the night. In every direction I look there's a monastery, a monk or a nun. All I have is dharma and my mind. There is no escape!


ariadne said...

Dearest Jenn! we miss you so and your sourpuss ways :-) I'm so glad you are where you are and thank you for making me laugh. You sister here in Baltimore--though I have a good pillow-- is likewise sleep deprived. So if you wake up many times in the middle of the night and are in anyway feeling alone. just think of little baby amaia.. awake with you.. and cooing in the night.. we'll post pictures soon. we just have to get to it!! so much love,

Ariane and the little ones

Anonymous said...

Jen-Remember Kevin told you to be a sponge so soak up all the dharma- I tell you nothing worse than a pile up of sleepless night's and no decent food!! Tell Keith he is holyer than though and to get you some grub! Try to put a towel over your pillow so you don't get poked with the grass- sounds like some Tylenol Pm might be in order!!! Pray for us! We miss you-lot's of love-Kev, Mer and the kids and the stinky pug