Saturday, April 25, 2009


To soon be leaving Holiness' kudung, Karma Kuchen, monotonous lunches of rice and dahl and bitter eggplant...
To be leaving this place, this "holy place," as Holiness once told me, where you can see a small brown goat with a khatak tied around its neck running around the stupas...
Where a little Nyoshul Khen can turn up at lunch...
Where three little girls with sad eyes and red jewels in their noses stretch their hands towards me...
Generators whir
Crickets hop into my lap
Ants cover my bed
And where I no longer notice the garbage...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny,
I sounds like a magical place, I can totally understand counting down the days until entering the"lemonville state". I feel the same about where I am and going to the humdrum of civilization. I really do love the solitude we have here in the winter. Even in the summer when there's family& people here. Thinking about my trip home in a month. how much fun it will be to go to Boston, the beach, sushi etc.,I know when its all said & done I will be excited to return to my solitude of Northern Wyoming. Its nice to live in these conditions because I appreciate my time around people and I value when I come home. Maybe after you guys are done with your schooling & such you'll find yourselves able to live where you too can enjoy the beauties of both I loved reading your little daily entries both in India and leominster. Keep em' coming darlin~:0}
Love ya