Tuesday, May 24, 2011


it's no fun to be sick in spring. not when there're weeds to be pulled, sweetpeas, chamomile, calendula to be planted, irises to be cut. not when there's handcream to be made, cooking to be done, a baby to nanny for.

that said, how lucky i am that the sweet family i work for has let me take a few days off from work to recuperate, that i finally have health insurance!, that i have a warm comfortable home to rest in!

so, here i am on the couch with plugged ringing ears, a cough that won't quit, reading a book about a woman who volunteered at a radio station in bhutan, trying to figure out how to make more money without getting a second job outside the house, staring out the window at the droopy wet lilacs, trying to remember that things will get better--in a few years k will be done this dreadful residency and our lives will open wide.

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