Friday, August 26, 2011

Well, we made it through the dreaded 14 hr flight from Chicago-passing the time watching a movie filled with "bad informations" (as the Khyentse yangsi says you need to not fill your head with), and the oh-so-sweet Kung Fu panda 2, listening to Sigur ros and dozens of Indian babies alternately screaming and cooing on their parent's laps. K and I took turns sleeping on the floor. Exiting the plane into the Delhi airport, I would have known I was in India even with my eyes closed from the scent of spices mixed with BO that immediately washed over me. It doesn't sound good, but last nice it smelled quite nice to me. However, today, India is a bit of a shock to the system, having just spent 14 months in the god realms of the avenues of salt lake and park city!

I had forgotten the intensity of the heat here, the flies, the garbage, the ceaselessly honking horns, the smell of burning plastic, the stray dogs skulking around your legs in the streets, the small children in their white school uniforms-wearing backpacks more than half their size. But onwards we and my nausea (and k) are off to Kathmandu in a few hours...



shaunna said...

Oh my gosh! this is so amazing, I can't believe you're both there. What an experience, a place I've been so fascinated by and described just as I imagined it to be by various shows that visit there. The amazing spices, yet terrible smells, if we only had smellavison. An explosion for the senses, I'd be on overload I think. Look forward to more adventures, be safe-aloha

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

shaunna--it's true--it is a total sensory overload! hope you're well! -jenn

Silvia said...

Jenn, this does not sound like a good time!