Friday, February 15, 2008

Your Failure at the Cave

Electronic Publishing Assignment--talk about a fellow classmate's blog:

So, Scott has a blog called Failure at the Cave. In it, he's been talking about publishing and securing teaching jobs. And also about how he thinks it would be a good idea if somehow our program taught us more about these areas or at least offered TAships--sorry if I'm putting words in your mouth Scott! But it seemed like that was the gist of it. Anyway, I've enjoyed reading what you've had to say so far. As a person who hopes to someday get a teaching job but has no idea how I'd even go about it--what you've had to say is really interesting...I was a TA for a semester in the MA program at the University of CO (which I transferred from) and it was a really wonderful experience that taught me so much. I agree that it would be wonderful if UB could someday offer TAships.....

Okay, and here's a little video that might make you happy:

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