Sunday, February 10, 2008

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

If I take out the headaches and the stress and the homework and the tears, I’m left with:
a trapped mouse
milky chai
a walk along the harbor boardwalk, in the sun, from canton to fells point
a sushi lunch special with keith and anthony
warm chocolate chip cookies
a trip to a tiny neighborhood Mexican restaurant where it was still Christmas and the jukebox played mariachi
an episode of lost where I’m left wondering once again
11 hrs of sleep
a saturday morning episode of my so called life where angela breaks up with jordan catalano because he wants her to have sex with him…
mary’s beautiful prose
another sunny walk to the grocery store with K
new grass poking through sidewalk cracks
tiny tiny buds on trees
the green of flower stems rising through dirt
tangy blood orange in a bowl
fresh brewed sweet mint tea
banana flapjacks
sun and blue sky

1 comment:

Just Mary said...

ahhh - i'm in your blog! And I really like it - the blog that is.

my saturday has me filling boxes of stuff to donate rather than do my actual work. so now to avoid that i am going to go wash my dog ;-/

my shift key is broken.