Friday, March 18, 2011


Today, Japan's National Police Agency confirmed that 6,539 people have died in Japan due to the tsunami/earthquake. Another 10,354 people are missing. 300 people are still working at their nuclear power plant, exposed to radioactive material. 320,000 households have no electricity in freezing weather. 1.6 million are without running water.

I'm not sure why, but in the past, when horrible things like hurricanes, tsunamis and earthquakes happened, it didn't touch me. I don't know why, and am ashamed to admit it. I mean, I felt bad for the victims. But somehow I didn't really feel anything, it didn't penetrate. Maybe I was too young, maybe I was wrapped up in an American bubble of okay-ness. Or maybe I was just lacking in compassion. I don't know. All I know is that these horrific things that have occurred and are still occurring in Japan right now have somehow cracked my shell of apathy...

Lama Tharchin Rinpoche has recommended certain prayers to be said, including a prayer written by Chatral Rinpoche for averting nuclear war. If you're interested, here's the link:

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