Wednesday, March 30, 2011

These Final March Days

1) Planning our April vacation: camping, national parks, big sur, the beach, hot springs, fresh olives and cheese!
2) Making yet another butternut soup and granola bar recipe that were flops!
3) These amazingly delicious sour cream pancakes from Smitten Kitchen...(apparently i've become a huge pancake fan).
4) Discovering Warby-Parker, this amazing online glasses company where you can get a pair of glasses (prescription lenses included) for only $95! What a deal. Plus they have free home try-ons and all the shipping is free. Plus for each pair of glasses sold, they donate a pair. Pretty sweet, as the anti-reflective coating on my current glasses is peeling off and I'm not about to pay hundreds of dollars for a new pair!
5) Re-reading this sweet book.

*I have to retract the above statement. Sorry Warby-Parker, but your frames were not up to par!


CG said...

Thanks for the tip on the glasses! I'm in desperate need of a new pair myself...

movingsidewalks said...

So good to have a post from you! Was missing them. Write me about your vacation! It sounds really good.

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

cg--you're so welcome!

kate, i'm so glad you read this blog! i've been enjoying yours too--that's awesome about your story. ps i just sent you an email!