Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Oh Boulder

Jenn Keith and Seth circa 1997!!!

Oh Boulder how I miss you. Mountains covered in wildflowers or snow. Green paths and creeks. Clean clean-ness. And the bookstore! And delicious healthy food everywhere. Riding my bike to the Co-op on Pearl for tofu with sweet miso beet sauce and greens...Which brings me to the Ruscombe Mansion--another place I forgot to add on my Best of Baltimore list. It is the one place I know in this city for consistently delicious helathy meals. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays for lunch. You have to eat their delicious food--whoever you are--before leaving this city...


crazywriter84 said...

I will be in Boulder (well, I'll be there for part of the trip) in a month! I'll have extra special fun for you :)

Silvia said...

I can't tell which one is you in the photo!

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

i'm the one who looks like a boy in the blue hooded sweatshirt! i was 19 and freezing!

Anonymous said...

for someone who misses the mountains so much, you don't look so happy to be there in the picture.