Wednesday, June 25, 2008

13 Days

It's hot and I'm afraid there's a dead mouse in the wall and I have to pack! But there's a headache and oh the laziness...

These days I'm loving:
-English muffins with peanut butter, honey and blueberries for breakfast.
-The amazing novel Stone Butch Blues which I finished last night when I should have been packing--no more reading till I'm done!!! (But I'm dying to read this: Banana Heart Summer).

I've 13 days until I lay my head down in a tent each night. Falling asleep to the sounds of insects, waking with the birds at dawn, whole days sitting in fields--nothing to think.

I'm off to pack!


Rose said...

These pictures are beautiful -- the first one is fantastic! What kind of camera do you use?

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

thanks rose! it'a actually just a digital canon...