Wednesday, June 11, 2008

These Days, Everything's in FLux

Actually, everything's always in flux. My mind pulled two ways. Do I want relative ease--comfort--in Nepal? Or to be close to Holiness in hellish India? Or lots of time in Tibet and facing my fear of altitude sickness?

And sorting through my endless detritus--poems and papers with names of books I want to read and bands to check out and movies to watch and recipes to make. Because in 27 days I'll be homeless for 14 months! Moving from place to place. Baltimore to New York to Massachusetts to Hong Kong to Chengdu to Kham to Kathmandu to Pharping. Pharping to Bangkok to Bangalore to Bodghaya.

I like to have a nest--surrounded by all my clothes and books and papers. But there's too much stuff. Too many toiletries and catalogs and magazines. Too many shoes. Too much everything! So my motto/struggle now is SIMPLIFY. It scares me that I seemed to have an easier time doing this four years ago when K and I basically sold everything we owned and went to Asia for the first time. This time I don't have as much stuff here in Baltimore as I did then in Colorado. But it's still hard paring things down to the essentials. Alloting myself just two big tupperwares of things to bring with me this summer. And then narrowing that down to just one small pack when we leave in Sept.

I know by then I'll feel exhilarated, sort of free and so much less encumbered than I do now...No bills, no cooking or cleaning to do. But today, these days, I feel a little daunted. So many bits and pieces to sift through. So much to let go of.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Oh, I've only just come over to read your blog, but this is very mysterious. :) Sounds like you've got a sort of an Eat, Pray, Love adventure coming up?