Sunday, June 22, 2008

Someone wants me to get a tiny dose of India now...

We've had no electricity for more than 24 hrs--26 and a half to be precise.
Amazing (and sad?) how almost everything I do I use electricity--laundry, dishwasher, phone, internet, computer, lights, stove, oven, fridge, A/ I unthinkingly flip light switches.
It's hot and steamy. And I admit I was pissed when I reached for the last freeze pop after a hot walk only to remember THERE'S NO ELECTRICITY! I really think this is the longest I've ever gone without power. It seems sort of horrible. God I'm so Western--so spoiled!
But jeeze it was lovely last night to only have the light of small beeswax candles in glass lanterns--I had thought I wouldn't be able to put those to good use for years!

1 comment:

Molly said...

My grandparents' heat runs on electricity and they lost it when we visited in the winter... couldn't shower, could do much of anything. I'm always surprised at how dependent I am, though it's terribly romantic to light tea lights and fill the house with that fleeting light. :)