Monday, August 23, 2010


Oh so disheartened that I can't even get an 8.50/hr job!!! It's as though some wicked witch has put a curse on me...How to break it?


noelle said...

Get a higher paying job :)

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

that's the thing--i can't get any--no matter what the pay!! but i'm going to do what you said before and stop worrying about it...or at least try! i hope your new job is good!

Silvia said...

That is bullshit! I am in the boat with you, Jen.

noelle said...

I have been in the exact same situation as you Jenn, for a long time. But looking back I've been able to do a lot of accumulations! So enjoy it now while you can before you get busy. My new job is OK...earning samsaric $ to live the samsaric life in order to support dharma life, if that makes any sense!

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

thanks for the empathy silvia and noelle!!! and noelle, thanks for the pep talk--i am going to take advantage of this time!