Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lately, I'm...

Anticipating: The arrival of dear friends!
Wishing: My two wasp stings weren't itchy enough to make me want to gouge my skin off.
Loving: Thai coffee
Cooking: Zucchini galette, slow roasted balsamic strawberries, quinoa chocolate chip cookies
Hoping: My interview goes well on Monday!
Wondering: If I will ever have money!
Doing: Neverending laundry and dishes!
Thinking: It really was silly of Keith to say exclamation points are obsolete!


Noelle said...

Good luck with your interview Jenn! And don't worry about money...remember what HHPR said? As long as we practice the dharma everything will be fine :)

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

thanks noelle!