Monday, August 16, 2010

"So You Just Stare At My Face, And I'll Stare At Your Face, And We'll All Freak Out"

Boulder. What to say?

Boulder and I had a really difficult break-up six years ago. I left my beloved Boulder and couldn't get it out of my head. I endlessly talked about and longed for it. But now, it's official, I am finally over Boulder.

It's so strange how this keeps happening to Keith and I. We long to go somewhere, a place we really love--like Thailand or Boulder--and then we go, and end up feeling as though we've been thrust into a burning pit of samsara. Seriously.

I was so excited to go to Boulder this past weekend. In fact, Keith and I had stopped there a few months ago on our way to Salt Lake and hadn't wanted to leave. But this time, Boulder seemed like a circus. I don't was all too much and I couldn't wait to return to my beautiful, peaceful Salt Lake, which seems to have put a spell on me.

I guess all this is good, as I no longer long for either Thailand or Boulder. Someone is apparently trying to sever at least some of my attachments!

And so what to say?
There was a circus led by a ringmaster high in the mountains.
I'm trying to think of nice things to say, but can't.

We've arrived home with a calligraphy by Chogyam Trungpa.

But yes, I am forgetting something. We received two empowerments from the Khyentse Yangsi! I truly was blown away during the Long Life Empowerment Friday night at the Boulder Theater. And then Saturday's talk by the Yangsi, followed by the Rangjung Pema Nyingthig--so wonderful. But like almost everything, this wonderfull-ness was ensconced in craziness. However, the Yangsi shone like a diamond amidst it all and I am so happy I had the chance to receive empowerments and teachings from him. Oh, and the title of this post? It's something the Yangsi said at one point. Taken out of context I'm sure it's not as good, but at the time, it was great (at one point he'd said how he'd forgotten everything he wanted to say and so then said the above--it was funny--but maybe you had to be there). Also, several times he said how looking out at the audience, everyone looked uptight!

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