Sunday, November 28, 2010


My mom keeps saying I moved to snow country, and I think she's right. Last week we had a blizzard and now it's snowing again, been snowing all day--lovely. Listening to Audrey Hepburn sing Moon River. Making a flyer for Khenpo Guru's upcoming Salt Lake teaching, procrastinating on cleaning the house and folding the laundry, flipping flapjacks, planning out Christmas presents, reading the beautiful Song of Kahunsha by Anosh Irani ("Chamdi tells Jesus that from now on, he will learn to carry sadness with him as if it is an extra toe.")....Still slightly paranoid since the break-in--but trying to get over it!


alexandria said...

Moon River is the best! I hope you are feeling more at peace as the days go by.

Yulia said...

snow snow snow snow :) love snow :) miss snow :)

Denise | Chez Danisse said...

I love the Moon River part of Breakfast at Tiffany's. A break-in is scary. Give yourself time. Take care.

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

today there's snow on the ground, a sunny blue sky. and i think i've fully reclaimed my home. thanks for your words!